Afgan - Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku [Lyrics with English Translation]

Song Title : Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku
Afgan; The One

Artist : Afgan
Album : The One
Track Number : #4
Release Date : 2010.04.01

Lirik Bahasa Indonesia 

Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku

Pesona indah wajahmu mampu mengalihkan duniaku
Tak henti membayangkanmu, terganggu oleh cantikmu

Tujuh hari dalam seminggu, hidup penuh warna 
Ku coba mendekatimu memberi tanda cinta
Engkau wanita tercantikku yang pernah ku temukan
Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku

Pesonamu, dan wajahmu mengalihkanku
Pesona indah wajahmu mampu mengalihkan duniaku
Tak henti membayangkanmu terganggu oleh cantikmu

Tujuh hari dalam seminggu, hidup penuh warna 
Ku coba mendekatimu memberi tanda cinta
Engkau wanita tercantikku yang pernah ku temukan
Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku

(Tujuh dari dalam seminggu), hidupku penuh warna
Ku selalu mendekatimu memberi tanda cinta 
Engkau wanita tercantikku yang pernah ku temukan
Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku, duniaku... duniaku

English Translation 

You Face Distracts My World

Charm of your pretty face able to distract my world
Can’t stop thinking about you, disturbed by your beauty

Seven days in a week, life is so colourful
I try to approach you, giving you love signs
You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever found
Your face distracts my world

Your charm, and your face distract me
The charm of your pretty face able to distract my world
Can’t stop thinking about you, disturbed by your beauty

Seven days in a week, life is so colourful
I try to approach you, giving you love signs
You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever found
Your face distracts my world

(Seven days in a week), life is so colourful
I keep trying to approach you, giving you love signs
You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever found
Your face distracts my world, my world... my world

Official Music Video

Tien's Notes: 
If you think this translation needs moderation due to my poor English skills, please feel free to leave comment for critics and suggestions. I'll be glad to revise it.

Salam lestari, Tien (^^)


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