Afgan - Bawalah Cintaku [Lyrics with English Translation]

Song Title : Bawalah Cintaku
Afgan; The One
Artist : Afgan
Album : The One
Track Number : #5
Release Date : 2010.04.01

Lirik Bahasa Indonesia 
Bawalah cintaku

*) Sempat tak ada lagi kesempatan ku untuk bisa bersamamu
Kini ku tahu bagaimana caraku untuk dapat t’rus denganmu

**) Bawalah pergi cintaku
Ajak kemana kau mau
Jadikan temanmu
Temanmu paling kau cinta
Disini kupun begitu
T’rus cintaimu di hidupku
Di dalam hatiku
Sampai waktu yang pertemukan kita nanti

Kembali ke *) dan **)
Bawalah pergi cintaku
Ajak kemana kau mau
Jadikan temanmu ho...
(Temanmu paling kau cinta)
Disini kupun begitu
T’rus cintaimu di hidupku
Di dalam hatiku
(Sampai waktu yang pertemukan) kita nanti

English Translation
Take My Love 

*)There’s time when there’s no more chance for me to be with you
Now I know how to always be with you

**)Take my love along with you
Carry it wherever you want to go
Make it your friend
Your most beloved friend
I also do the same here
Keep on loving you in my life
In my heart
Until time unite us again later 

Repeat *) and **) 
Take my love along with you
Carry it wherever you want to go
Make it your friend ho...
(Your most beloved friend)
I also do the same here
Keep on loving you in my life
In my heart 
(Until time unite) us again later

Official Music Video

Tien's Notes: 
If you think this translation needs moderation due to my poor English skills, please feel free to leave comment for critics and suggestions. I'll be glad to revise it.

Salam lestari, Tien (^^)


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